We are dedicated to preparing compassionate and skilled professionals in the field of Guidance and Counseling. Our Master of Arts in Education program with a major in Guidance and Counseling is designed to equip you with the knowledge, skills, and practical experience needed to support individuals in their personal, social, and academic development.
Program Highlights
Our Master of Arts in Education program with a major in Guidance and Counseling offers a comprehensive curriculum that combines theoretical foundations with hands-on training. Throughout the program, you will gain a deep understanding of counseling theories, assessment techniques, ethical considerations, and intervention strategies.
Counseling Theories and Techniques
The program focuses on introducing you to various counseling theories and techniques. You will explore human development, behavior, and learning theories that inform counseling practice. You will learn effective communication skills, active listening techniques, and strategies for building rapport with clients. Through role-plays and case studies, you will develop the necessary counseling skills to support individuals in their personal growth and well-being.
Assessment and Evaluation
Our program emphasizes the importance of assessment and evaluation in the counseling process. You will learn how to administer and interpret various assessment tools to gain insights into clients’ strengths, challenges, and needs. You will acquire skills in conducting individual and group assessments, career assessments, and psychological evaluations. These skills will enable you to make informed decisions and develop appropriate intervention plans.
Ethics and Professional Practice
We prioritize ethical considerations and professional practice in the field of counseling. You will study ethical guidelines, legal issues, and professional standards to ensure the highest level of integrity and client confidentiality. You will learn about multicultural competence and sensitivity, respecting diversity, and promoting inclusivity in counseling settings. You will also explore strategies for self-care and maintaining your own well-being as a counselor.
Career Counseling and Guidance
The program includes a focus on career counseling and guidance. You will learn how to assist individuals in making informed career decisions, exploring their interests, values, and aptitudes. You will gain knowledge of occupational trends, educational pathways, and job market information to provide accurate and relevant guidance. You will also develop skills in resume writing, interview preparation, and job search strategies to support clients in their career development.
Practicum and Supervised Experience
We believe in the value of hands-on experience and practical training. Our program includes a practicum component where you will have the opportunity to apply your counseling skills in real-world settings. Under the guidance and supervision of experienced professionals, you will work directly with clients, conduct counseling sessions, and engage in case consultations. This practicum experience will enhance your confidence and competence as a counselor.