CSR values competence among educators and students, mastering different competencies appropriate for each level of students. Ritarian educators enhance their competence through further studies and professional development, nurturing Ritarian learners. Competence is crucial for addressing the needs of Ritarians, related to the Gospel passage on bearing much fruit. As Matthew 12:33 says, "A good tree produces good fruit; a bad tree produces bad fruit."
CSR is committed to being a resource for the Church and the Nation, and to being socially responsible in building a just, peaceful, stable, and progressive Filipino nation. As service-driven citizens, students evaluate their moral sensitivities and sense of responsibility through participation in a range of learning contexts. This bears the scriptural passage, "We love because God first loved us" (John 4:19), which reflects the idea that our love for others is a response to the love that God has shown us.
CSR upholds reflection as a means to develop an awareness of the spiritual nature and religious significance of life. Students engage in the quest for self-improvement and critically evaluate and reflect on their assumptions and values. They also reflect on problems and issues to shape ideas and solutions that contribute to a better understanding of the wider world of the Church. This is connected to the Bible verse in Proverbs 27:19, which says, "As water reflects the face, so one's life reflects the heart."
CSR promotes synergy, which refers to producing a combined effect that is more significant than the sum of the separate effects. As creators of communion, students should bring out the best in each other in every way, every day. Synergy is Augustinian by nature as it calls for teamwork and oneness of mind and heart, as seen in the Bible verse from Acts 2:46, which says, "Day after day they met in the temple area, continuing with one mind and breaking bread in various private homes. They were eating their meals together with joy and generous hearts."
We are a community of learners, leaders, and servants who are committed to making a difference in the world.